Safe food handling during proper cleaning of scissors

Safe food handling during proper cleaning of scissors

In a world where food safety is of paramount importance, it is crucial to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen. Every aspect of food preparation, from ingredient handling to utensil usage, plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of the meals we consume. While we often focus on cleaning cutting boards, knives, and other utensils, one commonly overlooked tool is scissors. Yes, those trusty scissors that we use for various kitchen tasks require thorough cleaning as well. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of using clean utensils, particularly scissors, during food handling, and provide an in-depth overview of proper cleaning techniques to ensure H2Safe food handling.

 Understanding the Importance of Food Safety:

When it comes to food safety, the consequences of improper handling can be severe. Contaminated food can lead to foodborne illnesses, causing discomfort, sickness, or even hospitalization. One critical aspect of food safety is ensuring that the utensils we use to handle and prepare food are clean and sanitary. Scissors, often employed in cutting meats, herbs, or even opening packages, can harbor harmful bacteria or transfer contaminants if not properly cleaned. Cross-contamination, where bacteria from one food item spreads to another, is a significant concern when using unclean scissors during food preparation.

Identifying the Ideal Scissors for Food Handling:

Choosing the right pair of scissors for food handling is crucial to maintain hygiene in the kitchen. Look for scissors specifically designed for food preparation, preferably made of food-grade or stainless steel. These materials are durable, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean, making them suitable for use in a food-safe environment. Additionally, consider the different types of scissors available for specific food handling tasks, such as poultry shears, kitchen shears, or herb scissors, each tailored to handle different ingredients.

 Pre-Cleaning Preparations:

Before even picking up the scissors for food handling, it is essential to prepare by following a few pre-cleaning steps. Begin by thoroughly washing your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. This step helps remove any potential bacteria from your hands that could transfer to the scissors and, subsequently, the food. Additionally, designate a clean cutting surface specifically for food handling to prevent cross-contamination from other surfaces or ingredients.

Proper Cleaning Techniques for Scissors:

Properly cleaning scissors before, during, and after use on food is crucial for maintaining H2Safe food handling. Let’s explore the step-by-step process:

Disassembly: If your scissors are designed to be disassembled, carefully take them apart to clean each component thoroughly.

Pre-rinsing: Before cleaning, rinse the scissors under warm water to remove any visible food residue. This step helps facilitate the subsequent cleaning process.

Cleaning: Use a mild detergent or dish soap to clean both the blades and handles of the scissors. Apply the detergent and gently scrub the surfaces with a sponge or brush, paying close attention to any hard-to-reach areas.

Scrubbing: For stubborn debris or residue, continue scrubbing with a brush or sponge until all remnants are removed. This step ensures that no leftover food particles remain on the scissors.

Sanitization: To further eliminate any remaining bacteria, sanitize the scissors by either soaking them in a sanitizing solution or wiping them with a sanitizing wipe. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer or use a solution containing a food-safe sanitizer.

Drying: Thoroughly dry the scissors with a clean towel or let them air dry. Moisture can promote bacterial growth, so ensuring they are completely dry is essential.

Reassembly: If you disassembled the scissors during cleaning, carefully reassemble them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Storage and Maintenance:

Proper storage practices for scissors are crucial for maintaining cleanliness and preventing contamination. After cleaning and drying the scissors, store them in a clean, dry location away from potential contaminants, such as raw meats or chemicals. Consider using a protective sheath or storing them in a designated container to avoid contact with other utensils. Regular maintenance, including sharpening the blades and replacing worn-out parts, will help ensure the scissors remain effective and safe for use.

Additional Tips for H2Safe Food Handling:

In addition to proper cleaning techniques, here are some additional tips to enhance food safety while using scissors:

Avoid using the same pair of scissors on both raw and cooked food without proper cleaning in between to prevent cross-contamination.
Consider using separate pairs of scissors for different food items to minimize the risk of spreading bacteria or allergens.
Educate yourself and others about the importance of establishing and maintaining regular kitchen cleaning routines to uphold food safety standards.


Maintaining food safety should always be a priority in the kitchen, and that includes ensuring the cleanliness of every utensil we use, including scissors. By understanding the potential risks associated with improper food handling, identifying the ideal scissors for food preparation, following pre-cleaning preparations, and implementing proper cleaning techniques, we can significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination and promote H2Safe food handling. Remember to store your scissors properly and follow regular maintenance practices to prolong their lifespan and efficacy. By incorporating these practices into our kitchen routines, we can enjoy meals that are not only delicious but also safe for consumption.

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